Children's Ministry
4 Years Old - 6th Grade
During our Wednesday Night Program, we give kids the opportunity to actively participate in a fun learning environment including high energy worship music, relevant Bible teaching, and intentional small group games and conversations.
Biblical training for the Christian is essential, so we strive to teach our children during the Sunday School hour the Bible basics. This teaching is age appropriate and stresses the importance of Jesus.
Throughout the year, the Children's Ministry offers a variety of Activities & Events for children to participate in. These events have included: church camp, Christmas programs, hayrides/pumpkin patch trips, & Easter egg hunts.

Adult Ministry
The Adult Ministry has grown in recent times! We offer Bible classes and activities for each stage of adulthood.
20's & 30's Ministry: Being an adult is difficult, especially right out of high school! We recognize this stage of life and we facilitate classes and events for young adults to find fellowship and encouragement.
Elective Classes: We offer a wide range of Bible classes for adults to join both on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings! Click here for more information.
Ladies Class & Men's Class: In addition to our elective classes, Cabool Christian Church knows the importance of studying God's Word with other men or other ladies. ​​This is why we offer classes that are gender specific.
Birth - 3 Years Old
​At Cabool Christian Church, your child's safety is a high priority for us! All staff and volunteers who work with minors complete a background check and screened to ensure your child is protected while learning about Jesus.
When you arrive on campus, nursery and elementary-age children are checked in at our Child Check-In Station and directed towards their classrooms. Whether its during our Wednesday Night Programming or on a Sunday morning, all children will be provided a name badge and parent ticket to pick up their child.
Nursery is offered on Sunday mornings both during the Sunday School hour (9:30am) & main service (10:30am).

Student Ministry
7th Grade - 12th Grade
Our Wednesday Night Program is an opportunity for teenagers to come together in music led by their own student-led worship band. They will also hear topically relevant and Biblical-based teaching. After the lesson, the teenagers break into grade and gender specific groups led by an adult leader to discuss the lesson.
Sunday School is an equally important time for our Student Ministry program. We are currently studying Jesus in light of the Old Testament, but we just finished a study on Basic Christian Theology.
The Student Ministry fills it's calendar with a variety of Activities & Special Events throughout the year. These events have included: church camp, weekend retreats, service projects, & float trips.

Women's Council
Women's Council is an extension of the women's ministry that meets monthly to encourage one another, exhort in Biblical teaching, and serve the needs of church body and our local community. Their faithful service to God's Kingdom includes:
Hospitality: The organizing of housing and meals for visiting ministers and groups
Nursery: The recruitment of responsible volunteers for childcare in the nursery.
Sunshine: The organizing of food for families with illness or injury.
Bereavement: The preparation and serving of funeral dinners for grieving families.
In recent years, Women's Council has promoted, organized, and given hundreds of Operation Christmas Child boxes that have been sent around the world in the name of Jesus!